Our Activities

Our Ongoing Activities

National Science Day Celebration

Science City Visit

Activities for school

Hands on learning

Experiments are performed by children so that they can understand the basic science. They can find basic chemistry,Physics ,biology and maths instruments and models at our lab working on which help them in understading their concepts in better manner.

Vigyan Safar

Under the vigyansafarprogramme for student groups of various schools use to take visit to community science centre. The motive of Vigyan-Safar is developing scientific temper in our society.

Vigyan Darshan/ Joy of Science

Under this,Our science communicators performs and explains a set of exciting experiments that produce startling results and create curiosity among young learners

Science Popularization

Under this children are invited to play scientific quiz in online mode as part of special scientifically important day’s celebration.

Activities for community

Superstition Awareness Program

Superstition is a belief or way of behaving that is based on fear of the unknown and faith in magic or luckis .which is more prevalent among village community.
As part of this program,We visit different villagesand show the audience both sides of the coin, viz. scientific side and superstition side. Having seen both sides, people are self-sufficient to get rid of superstitious beliefs.

Film Show

As part of this program, we organize scientific films show especially for children as part of celebration of special occasions.