Mahisagar district community science center

is a district level science center running underNirja Education trust with the financial aid and guidelines given by Gujarat council on Science and Technology(GUJCOST).

Aims & Objectives:

Science and technology areimportant tools for Socio-economic revolution and overall development of a country hence Development of Scientific temper and scientific attitude in daily life among the citizen and especially in coming generation can lead to bright future. Mahisagar district community science center isworking for the same.The center conducts vivid programs which aims :

  • To promote awareness and develop interest for science and technology among our urban and rural children and citizen in an entertaining manner
  • To popularize science by conducting different activities, programs,quiz,experiments and lectures which provides platform for participatory learning.
  • To publish booklets to publicize and transmit scientific information.
  • To provide scientific directions to the students of science in order to ease their syllabus learning.
  • To prevent superstitions by spreading general awarness among the people through scientific experiments.
  • To conduct activity based scientific learning for children.
  • To conduct community awareness programs that helps in achieving sustainable development related goals and helps in energy conservation,developing healthy eating habits, hygiene, environment protection,water conservation,achieving food security by increasing yield,etc.
  • To conduct celebration of various days having scientific importance.
  • To help children explore scientific world by maintaining a library that contains books and magazines on science.